Kalo Mina! Resurrection Monthly Magazine - May 2023

Available Now: May 2023 Magazine. ‍This month, we’re highlighting our Core Value “Grow in Christ” by witnessing our Faith.

Renee Taylor

September 1, 2024

May 2023

The May 2023 Resurrection Magazine is now available for viewing on our Monthly Magazine page.

This month, we’re highlighting our Core Value “Grow in Christ” – we inspire growth in Christ by witnessing our Faith. And, witness our faith we did this Paschal Season!

Inside you'll find a pictorial recap of the events leading up to Pascha and the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, along with information about several events coming up this month (Don't forget: Sunday May 14 is Mother's Day!). And, find out more about our Core Values and our new Outreach and Evangelism ministry kicking off this month in Parish Council President Christine Psefteas' update on page 5.

Kalo Mina! Resurrection Monthly Magazine - May 2023

Available Now: May 2023 Magazine. ‍This month, we’re highlighting our Core Value “Grow in Christ” by witnessing our Faith.

September 1, 2024

May 2023

The May 2023 Resurrection Magazine is now available for viewing on our Monthly Magazine page.

This month, we’re highlighting our Core Value “Grow in Christ” – we inspire growth in Christ by witnessing our Faith. And, witness our faith we did this Paschal Season!

Inside you'll find a pictorial recap of the events leading up to Pascha and the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, along with information about several events coming up this month (Don't forget: Sunday May 14 is Mother's Day!). And, find out more about our Core Values and our new Outreach and Evangelism ministry kicking off this month in Parish Council President Christine Psefteas' update on page 5.

Kalo Mina! Resurrection Monthly Magazine - May 2023

Available Now: May 2023 Magazine. ‍This month, we’re highlighting our Core Value “Grow in Christ” by witnessing our Faith.

September 1, 2024

May 2023

The May 2023 Resurrection Magazine is now available for viewing on our Monthly Magazine page.

This month, we’re highlighting our Core Value “Grow in Christ” – we inspire growth in Christ by witnessing our Faith. And, witness our faith we did this Paschal Season!

Inside you'll find a pictorial recap of the events leading up to Pascha and the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, along with information about several events coming up this month (Don't forget: Sunday May 14 is Mother's Day!). And, find out more about our Core Values and our new Outreach and Evangelism ministry kicking off this month in Parish Council President Christine Psefteas' update on page 5.