A Message from Christine Psefteas, PC President

September 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

As we enter our new calendar year, I am looking forward to working together to make this year joyful and successful!

At our General Assembly in December, your Parish Council put forward an aspirational budget. As part of the budget, we are focusing on growing our stewardship numbers, by asking our stewards to increase their pledge amounts by an average of $600 per year ($50 per month).

I’m happy to say that we have already started to receive a positive response from our parishioners and pray that we will continue with this trend.

Our Parish is feeling alive with our ministries and activities, and we look forward to an active year of events! While our stewardship dollars are important to the running of our parish, our participation and involvement in our church services, ministries and events is what is crucial to the life of our parish.


If you missed the General Assembly on December 10, 2023, you can view Christine’s opening remarks here: https://bit.ly/GAHighlightsDec2023

A Message from Christine Psefteas, PC President

September 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

As we enter our new calendar year, I am looking forward to working together to make this year joyful and successful!

At our General Assembly in December, your Parish Council put forward an aspirational budget. As part of the budget, we are focusing on growing our stewardship numbers, by asking our stewards to increase their pledge amounts by an average of $600 per year ($50 per month).

I’m happy to say that we have already started to receive a positive response from our parishioners and pray that we will continue with this trend.

Our Parish is feeling alive with our ministries and activities, and we look forward to an active year of events! While our stewardship dollars are important to the running of our parish, our participation and involvement in our church services, ministries and events is what is crucial to the life of our parish.


If you missed the General Assembly on December 10, 2023, you can view Christine’s opening remarks here: https://bit.ly/GAHighlightsDec2023

A Message from Christine Psefteas, PC President

September 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

As we enter our new calendar year, I am looking forward to working together to make this year joyful and successful!

At our General Assembly in December, your Parish Council put forward an aspirational budget. As part of the budget, we are focusing on growing our stewardship numbers, by asking our stewards to increase their pledge amounts by an average of $600 per year ($50 per month).

I’m happy to say that we have already started to receive a positive response from our parishioners and pray that we will continue with this trend.

Our Parish is feeling alive with our ministries and activities, and we look forward to an active year of events! While our stewardship dollars are important to the running of our parish, our participation and involvement in our church services, ministries and events is what is crucial to the life of our parish.


If you missed the General Assembly on December 10, 2023, you can view Christine’s opening remarks here: https://bit.ly/GAHighlightsDec2023